Greg Landry's
Homeschool Science
--- Christian Worldview
--- Veteran Science Teacher
--- Former College Professor
5 New Textbooks!
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do you have a statement of faith?
Yes, we do:
-There is one God who is infinitely perfect, existing eternally in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
-Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died upon the cross and all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood. He arose from the dead according to the Scriptures.
-The Holy Spirit is a divine person sent to convict men of sin, and to indwell, guide, teach and empower the believer.
-The Bible (Old and New Testaments), without error as originally given, were inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and life.
-Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God. He fell through disobedience. All men are born with a sinful nature, and separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
-Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ and those who repent and believe in Him are born of the Holy Spirit, receive the gift of eternal life, and become the children of God.
2. Do you talk about God in your classes?
3. Is it okay for students who aren't Christians to attend your events?
Yes, all students are welcomed.
4. Are your classes taught from a Christian / young Earth Creationist worldview?
Yes, they are, and we also teach students to think critically, to reason, to think through issues. They should be able to defend what they believe.​
5. Do students receive a final grade for a class?
Yes, students receive a final grade for the class in their gradebook online.
6. If I should need to cancel my child's live or self-paced class / lab registration, what's your cancellation policy?
- When your register for a class or lab, we are from that time on committed to your student - we take that registration seriously. We pay the processing fee for your registration payment and we hold a spot for your student in the class. We don't allow other students to register for that spot. If that class fills, we turn away other students because we're holding that spot for your student. If supplies are needed, we purchase supplies for your student. We are committed to you and your student and we ask that same commitment on your part.
In unusual circumstances, if you should need to cancel your registration for ANY reason..
The online class / lab fee is refundable at 75% until 90 days prior to the first class / lab, or we can give you a 100% voucher for another class / lab (or anything we offer) that can be used anytime (does not expire) by any of your children.
From 90 days prior to the first class / lab through the first week of live classes / labs, or the first week of access for self-paced classes and labs, the fee is refundable at 50% or we can give you a 100% voucher for another class / lab (or anything we offer) that can be used anytime (does not expire) by any of your children.
After the first week of live classes / labs, or the first week of access for self-paced classes / labs, there is no refund, but we can give you a 100% voucher for another class / lab (or anything we offer) that can be used anytime (does not expire) by any of your children.
7. If I should need to cancel a marine science camp registration, what's your cancellation policy?
- When your register for a camp, we are from that time on, committed to your attendance - we take that registration seriously. We pay the processing fee for your registration payment and we hold a spot in the camp. We don't allow others to register for that spot. If that camp fills, we turn away other students because we're holding that spot for you. We are committed to you and your registration and we ask that same commitment on your part.
In unusual circumstances, if you should need to cancel your registration for ANY reason (illness, family situations, weather, hurricanes, issues with work schedules, etc.)...
- The camp fee is refundable at 75% until 90 days prior to the event, or we can give you a 100% voucher for anything we offer that can be used anytime (does not expire) by anyone in your family.
From 90 days prior to the camp through 30 days prior to the camp, the fee is refundable at 50% or we can give you a 100% voucher for anything we offer that can be used anytime (does not expire) by anyone in your family.
After 30 days prior to the camp, there is no refund, but we can give you a 100% voucher for anything we offer that can be used anytime (does not expire) by anyone in your family.
8. What if a marine science camp or two day lab intensive needs to be cancelled due to inclement weather such as hurricanes, floods, etc.?
- You'll be given a credit voucher for the dollar amount you paid that can be used for future camps, labs, classes, etc.
9. If I should need to cancel my homeschool science family membership, how should I do that?
- Just email Greg Landry and indicate that you would like to cancel your membership. Previous payments are not refundable but there won't be any future charges.
10. You offer "life prep" (standard level) online science classes - which students should take those?
"Life Prep" (standard level) biology, chemistry, and physics online classes are standard high school level classes that are less rigorous than "honors" classes and they are specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" or "non-math" students - students who are either; 1) not planning to be science majors in college, or 2) are not planning on going to college.
It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the subject. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! It is similar in intensity, depth, and scope to a standard public or private high school class, but taught from a Christian worldview and created specifically to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" / "non-math" students.
The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of many "honors science classes leaves many "non-science" or "non-math" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in these classes. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. My "life prep" standard level classes enable students to see the forest and will allow them to learn science through the lens of their God-given interests and talents.
11. Do students need any special equipment to attend your online classes?
No, just an internet connection.
12. Are students required to attend your online classes at the live time?
No. While we do encourage students to attend the live class when possible, they are not required to. They are not penalized in any way for not attending the live classes, but they should watch the class recording every week. The class recording is posted to the student's class page within 3 hours after the live class and is available to students 24/7. We have many students who, because of schedule conflicts, are not able to attend some or all live classes.
13. Do your online classes include labs?
Yes. Over a period of a year we built an interactive online laboratory that students love. Most public schools and colleges now use virtual labs to some degree. Students are able to actually perform tasks in the lab - It's a very realistic experience for students who are able to experience and participate in many labs not typically possible before college for high school students.
14. Do you offer early registration discounts?
We typically open registration for the upcoming homeschool year with the largest early registration discount. That discount decreases every week until it ends. Join our email list to be notified of the biggest early registration discounts.