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  Interactive Virtual Science Laboratory
 Self-Paced & 1 Week Lab Intensive Options    
7th - 12th Grade Homeschooled Students


These are realistic, interactive, virtual lab experiments that 7th - 12th
grade students love and can perform from the convenience of home.


What is Considered a High School "Science Lab"?


Most colleges and state requirements want to see science labs that include:

1. A student participating (interacting) in the lab they're working on - either in person or in an interactive virtual lab (rather than just watching a video, for example) and following a systematic "method" or "procedure."

2. A student collecting data and / or recording observations from the lab they're working on. This is typically recording results, numbers, observations, etc.

3. A student writing a full, formal lab report on the lab they've completed. It should include statement of purpose, background information, hypothesis, materials, method / procedure, results (data table and graphic presentation), hypothesis evaluation, errors or anomalous results, future research, and conclusions.

​4. A minimum of eight labs in a school year completed with full, formal lab reports.


Our Virtual Interactive Labs Allow Students to Complete  All  4 of These



Subjects Options Offered...

1. Biology / Anatomy & Physiology (only basic math)

2. Chemistry (only basic math)

3. Physics (conceptual - only basic math)



Greetings Parents & Students,


As a homeschool dad and former college professor, I'm passionate about teaching science, in particular, Christ-centered science to homeschooled students. We have created self-paced, interactive, virtual science labs for 7th through 12th grade students.


There are NO supplies with these online labs.

EVERYTHING is done online!


The labs are structured to build critical thinking skills and to develop a research and inquiry mindset. This results in quality lab reports and thinking skills that affect every area of academics and life. I believe we should think critically, deeply, creatively, and biblically. God is glorified as we explore His Creation... illuminating His Creation - revealing His glory!


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.


Gratefully in His Grip,



Professor Greg Landry
Homeschool Dad & Former College Professor
Founder and Director, College Prep Science



3 Options for Using our Virtual Labs

Option #1. One Week Live Online Lab Intensive

- July 21-25, 2025 (lab topic background class meets for 20-30 minutes each day to introduce two labs). Students are not required to attend live - they can watch the recording.
- No supplies to purchase - everything is done in our interactive, proprietary homeschool science laboratory!

- Students can attend live or watch the recording.
------ Biology / Anatomy & Physiology @ 2:30 pm eastern
------ Chemistry @ 3:15 pm eastern
------ Physics @ 4:00 pm eastern
- Students are not required to attend live - they can watch the recording.
- Students also receive instruction / guidance on writing lab reports.

- Students complete 10 labs (in our virtual lab) with lab reports in one week.
- Students perform two labs per day and turn in lab reports.
- Professor Landry grades lab reports
and issues grade for the lab intensive.
- Your Transcript
: a full school year of labs for that subject.
- $380  for 1 lab subject (Biology / Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, or Physics) for one student. Some students may opt to complete two lab subjects.

--------------->  You Can Register HERE


Option #2. Self-Paced 12 Month Family Subscription

- Family (all students in family) have access to our virtual lab and introductory video for 12 months along with video / instruction on creating / grading lab reports.
- Start anytime.
- Students have full access to 10 labs for the subject you register for.
- Your Transcript: a full school year of labs for that subject.
- A one time tuition fee of
$90 gives your family access to 1 lab subject (your choice of Biology / Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, or Physics) for 1 year.
--------------->  You Can Register HERE


Option #3. Month-to-Month Family Science Membership

- Family (all students in family) have access to our virtual lab and introductory video for as long as they are members, along with video / instruction on creating / grading lab reports. Also includes access to all self-paced classes.
- Start anytime.
- Your Transcript: a full school year of labs for subject completed.
- Students have full access to 10 labs for each subject, Biology / Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, & Physics.
- $87 / month (you can cancel at anytime) for access to ALL 3 lab subjects (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics).

--------------->  You Can See Details & Register HERE

Questions? Click Here to Contact Greg Landry



How Does it Work?


- Students log in to our virtual lab (see picture above and click here to test drive) and choose the experiment they want to perform - 10 experiments are available for each subject. Note: a full school year (two semester) science class should include at least eight lab experiments with full (formal) lab reports.


          There are NO supplies with these online labs, EVERYTHING is done online!


Subjects Options Offered...

1. Biology / Anatomy & Physiology (only basic math)

2. Chemistry (only basic math)

3. Physics (conceptual - only basic math)


- With their mouse and keyboard, students follow a step-by-step procedure to perform all the steps in the experiment. Example: 1. "Move the beaker to the sink and fill with 80 milliliters of cold water." 2. "Place the thermometer in the water and record the initial temperature in your lab notebook." etc.


          They are interacting in our virtual lab to perform the experiment.


----> Students are taught by Greg Landry, a 20-year veteran homeschool dad and former college professor. Greg is a Christian and young Earth creationist. He has taught and mentored several thousand homeschooled students and college students in various capacities for over 20 years. Click here to see his bio.


For your transcript: record as a full homeschool year of labs for that subject.


Questions? Click Here to Contact Greg Landry

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