Greg Landry's
Homeschool Science
--- Christian Worldview
--- Veteran Science Teacher
--- Former College Professor
5 New Textbooks!
In Their Words
Greg Landry's online science classes, interactive virtual science labs, two day science lab intensives, and ACT prep online bootcamps, have served several thousand students from all 50 states and 14 countries...
"Greg, your online classes are a Godsend. Without leaving our home, they allow our children to benefit from your expertise, and your passion for Jesus and science. Thank you!"
Janie in Kentucky
"Hi Greg, I just wanted to connect with you regarding how your final grade in May for A & P will be determined. How much weight will be given to tests and how much to quizzes? Will there be any other grades factored in? Diana was a little disappointed by her test grade this last time and so we began to think about the final grade. It was really funny how she was fighting for that extra point (she's very vocal) and your response was so gentle but firm."
"She laughed and commented that it was like your grandpa telling you something you didn't want to hear but doing it in a loving way (not that that says anything about your age!). Anyway, I thought the same after reading it! Nevertheless, she just wants to do well! Let me know about the grade."
"Greg, ...your orientation toward training students to be researchers and critical thinkers is just what our girls needed. It has also spilled over into how they approach history and literature..."
"Hey Mr, Landry, I took the Biology CLEP Test this morning and passed it! Thanks so much for the class! Have a Merry Christmas!"
"Greg, Jacob has just finished his second online class with you and I can't tell you how your classes have totally transformed the way he looks at school and science in particular. This is the guy who I literally could not get to sit down for 30 minutes to read biology. He can't wait for your class every week and has the assignments done before I can even ask him about it. My husband's comment was, 'where did this kid come from?'."
Thank you!
"Hi Greg, I hope you've had a good school year. Four years ago my daughter Heather took your online Biology class (which she loved). She just finished Biology at Carolina with an "A" which she is very proud of. She says your class enabled her to go into this college class so much more prepared than many of her classmates. Thank you! Please tell Nancy hello."
Ellen C.
"Mr Landry, I hope you are well. Eleven years ago you taught my daughter Biology and Anatomy & Physiology (online class). You sparked in her a love for life science and medicine. She graduated from medical school in May and will be doing a residency in pediatrics. Last week I had lunch with her and I asked who stood out to her in her school years. She mentioned you and one of her college professors. Thank you for the impact you had on her and I know so many other students. You are appreciated!"
Beth Ann M.
"Greg, thank you for pointing to the Creator in all that you teach..."
Allson Wright
"Greg, ...what you did for our daughter will have far reaching effects. You showed her that learning can be enjoyable..."
Thankful in Indiana
Jim H.
"Greg, just a quick note to thank you for working with Jillian. She crushed the AP Biology exam!"
"Science is not my strength as a homeschool mom...something that I was never excited about when I was in school. I have been so thankful for my son and daughter to have had the opportunity to study science with Greg Landry. He is excited and knowledgeable about what he teaches and expands learning beyond just the textbook.. and all from a godly teacher and father who helps them understand the wonder of God's creation in every aspect of what they are learning. My children have been blessed by being in his classes."
Merrill and Beth
"Greg, My son Mark attended your two day Biology Lab Intensive. He's in 8th grade and hasn't been especially interested in science. I asked him if he wanted to attend your intensive and he said no. I told him he was going to because we needed to get his labs done and this was a good way to do that."
"I dropped him off that morning and he was pouting. I picked him up that afternoon and he talked incessantly on the way home (this is my quiet child). It not only amazed me that he was so excited about science but that he loved doing this all day for two solid days. That kind of excitement in a child brings so much joy to a mother's heart. He also loved your 'real life lessons' talk. Thank you so much Greg for your ministry to our children!"
Beth (a grateful mom)
"Hello. Greg, just a quick note to let you know much we loved the moms science retreat. Two of my dear friends and I just drove home from your New Hampshire retreat. We are truly refreshed and encouraged and we desperately needed that. Thank you!"
"Greg, thank you for connecting homeschooling families and developing such a network of homeschooling families across the country and even with families and missionaries in western Europe. My children have good friends all over the country now and great contacts in Europe because of your work and ministry. Our oldest is even spending 4 weeks with one of the missionary families this summer. I know that's your heart. Thank you for doing it..."
"Greg, in the words of my children, your two day science lab intensives are 'the bomb'. They tell me that means they're REALLY good! :) Thank you, your labs have blessed our family, and so many families in our homeschool group. We are thankful for you."
"Mr Landry, I attended your science week as a junior in high school six years ago. That week is when I made the decision that I wanted to go to medical school. It was so inspiring, thank you. Yesterday, I got accepted into medical school. I thought you would like to know that. I'm very excited. :) Thank you!"
Megan in VA
"Hi Greg, what a refreshing change it was to see all those kids having so much fun with high school science. And, it was so wonderful to get so much done in two days. Katie didn't know what to expect but loved the experience. She said you immediately put them at ease and the time flew by. In fact, her first question to me after the second day was if she could do another intensive. Science in our household has been reinvigorated - thank you!"
"As a biology tutor responsible for teaching college-prep students at a tutorial in Nashville, Tennessee, I had high expectations even before I arrived at Greg Landry's anatomy and physiology camp in June of 2008."
To say it exceeded my greatest hopes and imaginings as a teacher is an understatement. For several years, I had been searching for an experience which would drive home all the academic concepts I had been trying to communicate to my students over the course of the school year, especially in the areas of biology/medicine. Finding a dissection component for
high school students was definitely a pipe-dream until Greg came on the scene!"
"After being in Greg’s lab for two days, the dissection experience paled in comparison to what was being offered to the students at an academic and personal level. These students were being given a unique opportunity to experience first-hand the rigors of a college-level science course with someone who truly cared and was interested in preparing them for the
future. Greg’s teaching style was firm yet inspirational, and, over the course of a week, I saw many lives stirred and motivated through the objectives Greg had designed for this camp."
"It is because of my interaction with Greg that I am now an enthusiastic supporter both as a teacher and home schooling parent for the week-long and weekend camps. Greg is a trustworthy and gifted teacher, and I believe wholeheartedly that Greg’s passion and enthusiasm for this subject matter will inspire and motivate a generation of students to make an impact for Christ in the fields of science and medicine for ‘such a time as this’."
Jodi Quint
Spring Hill, TN
"Greg and Nancy, Your heart for ministering to our kids is so evident and appreciated. You will never know (this side of heaven) how many lives you have touched and the many ways you've touched them..."
"Mr Landry, we drove over three hours each way to attend your science intensive and it was wonderful.. worth every bit of the drive..."
"... I have to tell you that this (moms science) retreat was such a blessing to me and my family, in several ways, but primarily because I dreaded teaching science. But I left the retreat yesterday with a whole new perspective on this. I'm so excited to get started with my children. I spent most of my two hour drive home yesterday thinking about everything I want to do. I loved your stories from the trenches and soaking up your years of experience. Thank you!"
"Greg, I left the moms science retreat so refreshed and inspired. My husband was grinning ear to ear when I got home as I talked for quite a while about the retreat. He knew I desperately needed this. Thank you!"
"My children, Logan & Taylor attended your science intensive for Biology while you were here. Logan was so excited and Taylor was the kicking and screaming one. She really never kicks and screams, but her attitude was not one of complete willingness. Anyway, they both thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have continued to talk about it and show off their "deliveries" to anyone who will look at them! Fun, fun, fun!!! I love it:-)"
"My daughter Deborah attended this camp last year. It was a life changing experience for her. Deborah had expressed some interest in a career in the medical field. When I picked her up on Saturday morning the last day of camp she said, "Dad, I want to be involved with surgery!" She found the various dissection labs interesting and challenging. The opportunities to see the surgical simulator and the talks given to the students by different professionals in the medical field, including a surgeon, served to increase her interest in becoming a surgical nurse. She enjoyed the interactions with the other girls at the camp and has made some lasting friendships that continue on Facebook."
"The counselors were excellent, including Greg Landry's daughter, a senior nursing student. Currently, Deborah (a junior in high school) is dual enrolled at our local community college and taking Nursing prerequisite classes. Overall, if your child is interested in the medical field, this camp should confirm their ambitions and give them tremendous encouragement for the future. Deborah will be returning to this camp in 2011 in preparation for taking college Anatomy & Physiology classes this Fall."
Ed Seufert
"Thanks So Much (moms science retreat). I was grateful to meet Landry and hear stories that moved me to cry and to laugh. I enjoyed tea and chocolate shared in the lab; was refreshed and uplifted by all the fun gab. I'm blessed by the knowledge and inspiration I received on my mini "mom vacation. I now have a fresh burst of motivation to raise up a Godly generation. Thanks for the break from our labor of love and the insights you shared from our Father above! May God receive glory from all you guys do!"
With warmest regards,
Amy in Yorktown, IN
"Greg, the (moms science) retreat was such a wonderful time for me, but I especially liked your stories. From your fourth graders, to your college students and summer camps, and especially the cadaver lab stories. I also loved listening to the "life lessons" story that you tell to high schoolers."
"Greg, I want to let you know how much Daniel enjoyed anatomy camp. He enjoyed the academic challenges, the camaraderie with his fellow campers, and the activities. Daniel came home with many stories to tell and he told them with great enthusiasm, listing off names of muscles, talking about digging in the lobster pot, sharing snippets about his great roommate and counselor and on and on."
"I am prompted to write you because a few days ago something we were doing reminded Daniel of anatomy camp and he said suddenly, with great feeling, "I had so much fun at anatomy camp. That was such a good time." It made me very thankful for the good experience you put together for the campers. Thank you for your hard work and organization. Thanks also to your family who stands behind you on this. I hope you are having a few weeks of rest before the academic year begins."
God bless you,
Eagle River, Alaska
"Dear Greg, Just returned home from an awesome day with you;
thank you for making it so worth the trip. Anna THOUROUGHLY enjoys your classes. What a delight to see the spark of passion in her eyes as she talks about dissecting a cow uterus, blood typing, muscle groups, and so much more."
"THANK YOU for using your God-given talents to enrich young people's lives...and inspire them to shine their lights for God's glory."
Thanking God for you today,
David and Charlene
"Hello Greg, ...Ben loved your class. It has been very refreshing for me to see him this excited about learning."
Jill C.
"Lead on Greg! Chris has a new perspective on science. We appreciate your leadership."
"Greg, For the 2 hours it took to drive to the airport, those girls talked and talked and talked. So much was discussed, both about what happened in the labs and the fun they had in town. The balance of work and play was perfect and key for it to be a successful experience. No one complained
about the homework either."
"Kelsey was particularly impressed by how easy going and relaxed you were, along with your ability to make the subject so much fun to learn. She wished she had brought the sheep fetus home. Thanks again. Hope you have a fun summer."
"Greg Landry has been an answer to prayer for our family. As a home schooling mom of three, I realized that I didn't have the knowledge or time to teach my oldest son the high school level science classes he needed for college. Mr. Landry's classes filled this void and more!"
"Before taking Biology, my son didn't know how to study - a major concern of mine. In a very short time I noticed that he was developing a self discipline and a love of learning that I had not seen before. Because of Greg Landry's standard of excellence and Christian values, I believe that my son will be well prepared for college."
Karen Perry
"Dear Greg, I loved the Mom's Science Retreat last year! The accommodations and setting were fantastic! The fellowship was such a blessing too. I learned so much from you and my fellow home educators. I came away from the experience feeling refreshed, re-energized and fully equipped to teach Science to my boys, all the way through high school. The whole experience was such a blessing that I hesitate to register this year because I would be taking up a spot someone who has not done this yet could have. However, if there's room for me I'll be there again! Twelve hour drive and all!"
"Wow! c-sections, lungs, fetal calves, bull testicles, peeing in a cup, eating ice cream for breakfast, brains, hearts, tracheas, blood typing, hematocrit, buffy coats, glucose tolerance tests, lung functions tests, learning the ins and outs of getting through college and into med school, and lots of new friends who love anatomy and physiology! What else could a girl ask for? I have more focus and determination to get into med school now than ever before. I could have stayed for a month."
"Hi Mr. Landry! I just thought I would let you know that I passed the
CLEP test. Thank you for teaching the Biology CLEP class! I am really thankful that I was able to CLEP Biology!"
Thanks a bunch, Bekkah
"Greg, feel free to put this on your web site. Parents need to read it. Parents, If your child is thinking about a medical profession, they need to attend this camp. Greg does a beautiful job of igniting a fire in the kids who are leaning toward a medical or other science field and helping them to understand exactly what they need to do and what their options are. My daughter loved his approach to teaching. She called me every night excited to tell me about what they did that day. She said she wants him to teach all of her high school science classes. Greg, thank you!"
Mom of a Camp Attendee
". . . besides being an engaging teacher, he also had a great sense of humor."
"Dear Mr. Landry, sorry I sent my message before I finished. I was going to say a big thank you for the previous classes and how much I enjoyed them. My mom taught me some of that stuff last year but neither of us understood it and it was a real hassle to get it down, but you taught ( if I'm spelling that right) it very clearly! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks again!"
"I loved this camp! We did lots of incredible anatomy and physiology, but I also liked listening to Mr. Landry talking to us about getting into med school and other professional schools, explaining the various medical professions and the education they required, and his Life 101
talk . . ."
"The best recommendation I could give for Greg Landry as a teacher would be to refer to his work as a Christian husband and father. He and his wife, Nancy, manage an orderly, hospitable home, and the fruit of their labors is evident in the lives of their two daughters, both steadily growing to be Godly young women as well as capable and conscientious students."
"A Christan husband and father well educated in the sciences, he truly cares about his students and the learning task. He not only challenges his students academically, he also encourages them to pursue all knowledge to the glory of God. His science classes have been a God-sent gift to our family!"
Renee Fuller
"Greg, I can't tell you how much Abigail and Kim enjoyed your camp. They just can't say enough about it! They definitely desire to return to another or more camps. If we participate in the fall, it would probably have to be a weekend as Kim will be taking community college classes....unless they allow for excused absences. Just please keep us informed on what your
thoughts and plans are."
"Again, the week was such a blessing and answer to prayer. And from our conversations with the girls, they experienced and learned so many things .....about academics, rules, freedoms, honesty, friendship...just to name a few. Thank you for providing such an atmosphere for them to experience and learn and grow. Good luck with the rest of this week at camp! I hope you are getting some rest! that possible on campus with all that
youthful energy?????"
Mom of Campers
"...I just wanted to add that this class has already brought about an amazing change in my daughter. She has taken 100% responsibility for the course. I do not have to remind her to read or study. She takes her A&P book with her most places in case there are free moments to study."
"My husband and I have told Rachel that if she does well in this class we will send her to one of your week-long Anatomy camps in the Summer of 2011. This apparently is the motive she needed to step up to her potential. As a homeschooling parent, I'm sure you can relate to the excitement we feel as parents to see our 15-year-old daughter's eyes come alive with interest at the possibilities that lie ahead for her."
"Hey Greg, we made it back to Saint Louis and I totaled our miles driven this past week: 1,600!!! That's dedication to my lovely daughter. : ) She had an INCREDIBLE time at Camp and really she talked about it non-stop for at least the first 200 miles. We're still hearing stories and I know this was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for her in so many ways. Thank you for making it happen."
"Hi Greg, I meant to write you before now........ We just wanted to let you know how much Rebecca enjoyed camp!! She is still telling us stories and sharing her new knowledge of anatomy. She has shared pictures via email with the new friends she made there and was thrilled to be among students who shared similar interests. We couldn't have asked for a better experience for her! And the ride with the Jenkins worked out wonderfully!"
"We thank you for all of that but most of all for giving us the reassurance of her being in a safe, Christian environment. We will let everyone here know about your program so you can be expecting a few more south Florida students in the future! Thanks again and many blessings."
Beth Harwell
"Greg Landry is an outstanding instructor. He has worked with my daughter for the last year and a half. He taught her Physical Science last year and this year, Biology. Even though my daughter is one of the youngest in the class, he has patiently worked along side of her. He challenges her to develop good study habits, participate in class, and reach her potential."
"Greg includes many fun activities in class as well. During the first year with Greg, my daughter was among the students categorized as 'most improved' during the course of the year. I believe this is due to Greg's excellent instruction and consistent encouragement. I highly recommend Greg Landry as a Christ-centered Science Teacher."
"We love you Greg!"
Samantha Stephens
"Greg, thank you so much for allowing our daughter this opportunity to
experience first hand what could hopefully be her career in the future. We both felt a genuine kindren and care from you for the kids. We appreciate the structure and guidance you offered. It allowed us to feel that our daughter was safe with you. Thanks again."
Dad and Mom of June 2009 Camp Attendee
"I've gone to a "pre-med" camp in Florida for two years. That was a lot of boring lectures with no depth. This was the real thing and never a dull moment . . ."
Johnny T.
"I took notes last night and Angela and I are having fun going over them this morning. This is our first year of homeschooling and honestly, I am not sure of what to do but Jesus used your lecture and calm voice to
reassure me that He will see us through."
". . . being around other serious students who like anatomy and physiology was awesome . . ."
James D.
"John didn't want to take this class - he had no interest in studying the body. After three weeks in your class he's talking about the possibility of a career in medicine or some field related to the body. He loves your class, can't wait for it every week, and always comes away with excitement, anxious to tell us about what he's learned."
"Greg, I want to let you know how much we appreciate the session on academic excellence you did last week. Both Maggie and Mason were encouraged and motivated. Thank you for the obvious time and effort you put into making it a meaningful and practical guide."
"Reading over their notes and your outline made me recommit to doing my work as a wife, mother, and teacher as an act of service to the Lord. What a blessing it is to have fellow homeschoolers like your family to be such support and encouragement to us!
Thank you. Blessings to you."
Lisa Smith
last week. After I was nervous about Albert getting homesick, he had so much fun, he didn't bother calling me all week. "
"Marybeth called every night with fun stories, and then on the long ride home yesterday she'd start to read a book and stop to tell me another fun fact about camp, anatomy, the counselor, the nightly activities...and also told me if she signed up for next year right away, she would get a big discount. The camps were definitely worth the long drive and every penny spent."
"Thank you, again, for putting on such a great camp...I have a feeling you'll be seeing my kids again next year (if they have any say in it)."
"This is Melissa _______ (the red head) from AL!!! I hope you had a safe travels home. I want to tell Mr. Landry- Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! This (moms science retreat) weekend was so refreshing. We needed to see our dear friend Dawn and she needed to see us. We have been together for years, until her husband took a job in Ohio last year. They moved and we wanted to see her..."
"I can tell you what it bought for me... a chance that is rare and often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of our day. The chance to see God our creator show off! I love when he allows me to peek inside his grace and mercy and shows me that he is all about the details. His hand was all over this weekend and it showed in many ways. Here is our tiny list:"
"Our only roommate in our cabin the night before the conference had just gone to her first informational session to become a foster/adoptive parent and her and her family are praying about adoption. (We are the ones who all four of us: Melissa, Dawn, Shannon, and Carolyn have adopted from foster care in our state."
"Our sweet Dawn has struggled to understand Ohio homeschooling and the basics of "how to" get plugged into a group in her area. So who was at the table across from us and staying in the same cabin? A support group of sweet ladies, less than 30 minutes from her home. These women were truly excited to meet her and I think will take her under their wing and help get her plugged in."
"Dawn and her family did foster care with us in AL for almost 7 years. They found an agency in OH and have started the process of approval. She has found the state and agency to be so vastly different from what she is used to that she has questioned whether this was still the calling for their family. It has been tough hearing her struggle these last few months over Skype. So, in God's great mercy and maybe a little bit of humor, one of the ladies in the Ohio support group that is going to help Dawn with homeschooling is also a foster mom with the agency Dawn is applying to- AND has adopted several times with them."
"Please tell Mr. Landry that I will never forget his kind heart and this generous weekend. I was so impressed with the science, Mr. Landry, and his creationist approach, and just look so forward to... God is so kind and full of grace and mercy and Mr. Landry was the facilitator of his divine work this weekend...."
Much love from AL,
"Mr Landry, Timmy came home so excited about the first day of your Biology lab intensive. Hi can't wait for tomorrow. Thanks for making kids excited about science!"
Jess in Texas
"My children have taken science classes from Greg Landry for the past 4 years. Greg is a gifted teacher with a unique ability to challenge his students while also increasing their confidence."
"He is rigorous in the classic sense, he values writing skills, cultivates time management and organizational habits, and helps each student develop and adhere to long range plans. While his students are learning these life skills, they are also becoming scientists."
"I expect that the teaching in Greg's upper level science classes is on par with university level courses. His students thrive in this environment and learn the value of hard work. As a homeschooler who struggled with biology and chemistry as a student, Greg's classes provide my children with an opportunity to learn about these subjects from an enthusiastic and well informed teacher."
Cinda Payne-Smith
"Mr Landry, I took the Clep today: Passed!! Just barely, but passed."
"Thanks for the input on previously homeschooled kids in the college. Steven, who was in your Anatomy Class last year, has started high school at Westminster Christian in St. Louis and he seems to be ajusting
pretty well. He learned a lot of anatomy last year, but also he really learned HOW to take a class, take notes, study etc. He is taking Honors Physics and Honors Geometry this year."
"Thanks for your class--very useful on many levels. We (our son Robert and I) are looking forward to Pre-Biology starting tomorrow."
Thanks, Mindy
"Greg, Thank you! Victoria has gone from a young lady who hated science and dreaded the beginning of the sharing interesting tidbits about biology with us at the dinner VOLUNTARILY writing 2700 words about biology that were "laptop worthy". You are an outstanding teacher. Victoria sends you a huge thank you as well. :)"
Mercer, PA
"Greg, your two day science intensive labs have been such a blessing to our family. They absolutely loved every one they did and we never could had that kind of in depth experience anywhere else as homeschoolers. I feel so much better about their science preparation for college. Also, thanks for spending time talking with me about their other science courses."
With much gratitude,
Katie G.
"Hello Mr. Landry, our son Patrick just attended the biology camp and loved it so much. Thank you for all you are doing for families through your ministry. We spoke to him a total of 4 minutes while he was at camp, because he was having so much fun, but when I did actually get a phone call he said, “Mom you really hit it home with this camp. It’s awesome.” We’ve already signed him up for 2 camps for next year We were very impressed with all the good class work he brought home with him, and we loved seeing the pictures you posted every day."
"Well I am writing today because I wondered if you and/or Mrs. Quint would be willing to write a letter of recommendation for Patrick, not to anyone in particular, but just for us to have on hand when he starts applying for college or jobs in the future. As homeschoolers we don’t have a lot of teachers to choose from for this sort of thing, so it would mean a lot if you or Mrs. Quint would be so kind as to take the time to do this for Patrick. I’d be glad to ask her, if you have her e-mail address or phone number to pass along. Thank you so much, and we really appreciate the camp."
"Thank you so much for giving all our kids such great opportunities for learning and fellowship through your camps. It is so fun to see. I am grateful that they can do these camps and I appreciate all the work you have done to make it possible."
"I loved seeing the presentations yesterday (Caroline mentioned that was something new you guys were trying). That was nice to see. My husband feels that they did more in anatomy than he ever did in his high school labs. I am usually the one who plans "school" type things, but it was nice to kind of get the seal of approval from him."
"I love the friendships they make - including meeting two people they didn't know from our neighborhood! That was funny. I love that they already have planned a meet-up to see each other later. I loved that even though watching some of the girls cry made me cry :) "
"I think you do a great job of finding good instructors and counselors. I have heard a lot about them- nothing but rave reviews from both of my kids. I really loved the counselors' tweets the second week where they started tweeting funny things the kids said. I love the pix on fb too."
"Seriously, I cannot thank you enough for having vision and the drive to take these camps on. "
"Finally, it is great to drive home with two kids who are rattling off how much they want to return and what classes they want to take as well hearing all their stories about this year's camps. Your camps are awesome. I just wanted to say thanks b/c I think our culture doesn't do that enough."
A happy camper mom
"Greg, My son, Andrew, is at the camp. I spoke with him tonight and he said on a scale of 1-10 the camp is a 10+. Thank you!"
Barb Carter
"Hi Greg, I just wanted to thank you for some wisdom you shared at a Spring Homeschool Mom Retreat in Texas. I'm the redhead that colored the "Groovy" flower frog apron. :-)"
"It had never occurred to me at this stage in the game to have the kids start taking practice runs on the ACT/SAT. My oldest just finished 7th grade this past year and because of your advice we said, "Hey let's do it for fun," and she was all in. When we arrived she asked me, "Mom, why are some of these kids so jittery (some were non-stop moving or rocking, etc). I told her that we were just trying it for the experience with no pressure but for some of these kids it may be their first time taking it and their college future may depend on it. Raelen went in so calm as we had explained to her that her score was not important at this stage of the game and to just have fun with no pressure which could have contributed to her great score."
"She was very encouraged (humbly) and I was so glad she got to go in and take this without pressure which will, no doubt, help her on future tests."
Thank you!

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