Greg Landry's
Homeschool Science
--- Christian Worldview
--- Veteran Science Teacher
--- Former College Professor
5 New Textbooks!
Live Online Science Classes
Christ-Centered Classes for 6th - 12th Grade Homeschooled Students
2025-26 Classes
See all Details for These Live Online Classes on this Page...
Live Online Classes for the 2025-26 Homeschool Year
Note: all of these science classes include our interactive virtual online labs ($280 value) at no additional charge
- Combo Science (Marine / Engineering / Earth / Chemistry / Space / Physics / Biology / Anatomy & Physiology) - 6th - 9th - 2 Semester Class
- Life Prep (standard level) High School Biology (8th-12th) - 2 Semester Class
- Life Prep (standard level) High School Chemistry (8th-12th) - 2 Semester Class
- Life Prep (standard level) High School Conceptual Physics (9th-12th) - 2 Semester Class
- Human Anatomy & Physiology (9th-12th) - 2 Semester Class
See All Class Details Near Bottom of This Page
"Greg, ...your orientation toward training students to be researchers and critical thinkers is just what our girls needed. It has also spilled over into how they approach history and literature..."
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Our Live Science Classes Come with Our Virtual Online Laboratory
(A $90 value at No Additional Charge)
Standard Order of Live Science Classes
Note: Please keep in mind that this is a "typical" order but not a required order.
Questions? Click here to contact Greg Landry
6th-12th Grade Science (2 semester classes)
- Combo Science (Physical / Life / Marine / Earth & Space Science)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Physics
We focus on building critical thinking skills and developing a research and inquiry mindset with the resulting quality lab reports and thinking skills that affect every area of academics and life. I believe we should think critically, deeply, creatively, and biblically." God is glorified as we explore His Creation in depth... illuminating His creation - revealing His glory!
Questions? Click here to contact Greg Landry
"Greg, ...what you did for our daughter will have far reaching effects. You showed her that learning can be enjoyable..."
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FAQ's for Online Classes
Which time zone are class times?
-- All class times are listed as Eastern Time (ET)
Are students required to attend classes at the live time?
-- No. They are not penalized in any way for not attending the live classes - they can watch the class recording every week. The class recording is posted to the student's class homeroom page within 2 hours after the live class and is available to students 24/7. We have many students who, because of schedule conflicts, are not able to attend some or all live classes.
Are there labs / lab reports with the live online science classes?
-- Yes, for all live online science classes. We have developed interactive virtual online labs ($90 value) that are a part of our live online classes - there is no additional cost to students.
This enables students to perform very realistic labs online. Most public and private schools now use virtual labs. Students are able to actually perform tasks in the lab - It's a very realistic experience for students who are able to experience and participate in many labs not typically possible before college for high school students. This is very interactive - it's NOT watching a video.
Students are able to virtually pour liquids, light burners, move things in the lab, weigh things, measure temperatures, record results, etc. Most students love these labs. There are no supplies to purchase or smelly dissections - EVERYTHING is done online. Students are instructed on how to produce quality lab reports and they turn-in formal lab reports (with each lab experiment) which are graded.
Do you offer early registration or sibling discounts?
We typically open registration with an early registration discount. That discount decreases every week and ends in April. I'm sorry but we don't offer sibling discounts.
Questions? Click here to contact Greg Landry
You offer "life prep" (standard level) online science classes - which students should take those?
"Life Prep" (standard level) biology, chemistry, and physics online classes are standard high school level classes that are less rigorous than "honors" classes and they are specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" or "non-math" students - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math.
It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the subject. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! It is similar in intensity, depth, and scope to a standard public or private high school class, but taught from a Christian worldview and created specifically to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" / "non-math" students.
The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of many "honors" or "college prep" science classes leaves many "non-science" or "non-math" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in these classes. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. My "life prep" standard level classes enable students to see the forest and will allow them to learn science through the lens of their God-given interests and talents.
What is the academic calendar for the 2025-26 homeschool year?
Classes begin September 2, 2025
Fall break - week of October 6, 2025
Thanksgiving break - week of November 24, 2025
Christmas break begins - week of December 8, 2025
Classes resume - week of January 12, 2026
Spring break - week of February 23, 2026
Easter break - week of March 30, 2026
Final exams end - May 4, 2026
Are students issued an end-of-class grade for a class?
-- Yes, students receive an end-of-class grade in their grade book online. This serves as an independent evaluation of a student's performance. For some colleges and universities, this validates homeschool grades - especially in the sciences and for math.
Our Live Science Classes Come with Our Virtual Online Laboratory
(A $90 value at No Additional Charge)
What are details of the online classes?
-- Students are guided in their study and held accountable to complete the work, yet are led toward being independent learners and critical thinkers. Parents do not have to do any grading or anything else for classes but are encouraged to be aware of what their students are doing.
-- We use Canvas (considered by many to be one of the best online class platforms) as a virtual "homeroom" for a student's online class....
----> Classes meet for 45-60 minutes once per week in our online "classroom" in Canvas. Students can see and hear the teacher (Professor Landry) and the classroom whiteboard, and can communicate with the teacher via chat in class. Students can attend the live class or watch the class recording 24/7.
----> Students can also communicate with Professor Landry via our class homeroom email outside of class. He prioritizes email from students and responds in a timely manner - usually within a few hours and always at least within the same day.
----> Students have a weekly homework turn-in assignment that they turn-in at their "homeroom" in Canvas.
----> Students perform very realistic labs (for science classes) in our virtual online lab and write lab reports which are turned-in and graded at their "homeroom" in Canvas. The don't need any supplies - everything is done online. Professor Landry is obsessive about teaching students to write quality lab reports.
----> Students take graded exams (approximately once every three weeks) at their "homeroom" in Canvas.
----> Student's grades for homework, lab reports, and exams are available to them in the Canvas grade book in their "homeroom" as well as their current overall grade for the class.
----> Students are issued a final grade at the end of the class.
----> Students are taught by Greg Landry, a 20-year veteran homeschool dad and former college professor. Greg is a Christian and young Earth creationist. He has taught and mentored several thousand homeschooled students and college students in various capacities for over 20 years. Click here to see his bio.
"Greg,... your teaching motivates my kids like no teacher ever has. Thank you for bringing some joy back in to our homeschooling."
Katy in Virginia
Click HERE to Read More Parent Comments
Our Live Science Classes Come with Our Virtual Online Laboratory
(A $90 value at No Additional Charge)
Questions? Click here to contact Greg Landry
Class Descriptions
Click the Classes listed Below for Descriptions & All Details
Combo Science (Marine / Engineering / Earth / Chemistry / Space / Physics / Biology / Anatomy & Physiology)Two Semester Class - Prepares students for high school level science Recommended grade level: 6th - 9th Prerequisites: None Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 4 hours Labs: Students will perform our online labs and write lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 1:00 pm ET, September 2025 - May 2026 (recording is available 24/7) Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to have: 1. Textbook: Combo Science Note: The PDF of this book will be provided to students on the first day of class at no additional charge. - His Glory Combo Science by Greg Landry #2. Supplemental Book : Two books that we'll use as a supplement will be provided to students as a PDF at no charge. - Discovery of Design by Donald DeYoung & Derrik Hobbs - Made in Heaven by Ray Comfort & Jeffrey Seto Class description / topics covered: Grade level appropriate levels and scopes of biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, physics, marine, space, and earth science. "Mr Landry, I hope you are well. Eleven years ago you taught my daughter Biology and Anatomy & Physiology (online class). You sparked in her a love for life science and medicine. She graduated from medical school in May and will be doing a residency in pediatrics. Last week I had lunch with her and I asked who stood out to her in her school years. She mentioned you and one of her college professors. Thank you for the impact you had on her and I know so many other students. You are appreciated!" ~ Beth Ann M.
Life Prep (standard level) High School BiologyAKA: Biology for "Artsy," "Techie" and other "Non-Science" Students Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard high school Biology class but taught from a Christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. Two Semester Class Recommended grade level: 8th-12th Prerequisites: None Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (biology) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 4 hours Labs: Students will perform our interactive virtual online labs and write lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to have: #1 Textbook: His Glory High School Biology by Greg Landry Note: The PDF of this textbook will be provided to students at no charge on the first day of class. #2 Supplemental Book : In Six Days - Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation This book does an excellent job of exposing students to scientists who are creationists and to the variety of reasons for their beliefs. We will use parts of it as a supplement in this class. Students are required to purchase this book. Author: John Ashton students should have the PRINT paperback (not electronic) version of this book so that we all have the exact same book, page numbers, etc. Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers: ISBN-13 : 978-0890513415 ISBN-10 : 0890513414 Class description / topics covered: Life Prep (standard) Biology is a standard high school level Biology class that is specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math. It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the biological world that surrounds us. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! It is a standard high school level Biology course and taught from a christian worldview, The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of many college-prep Biology classes leaves many "non-science" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in Biology. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. This class will enable them to see the forest and will allow them to learn Biology through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. We cover basic high school level Biology topics at a depth and breadth appropriate for "non-science" students. This class is taught from a Christian, creationist worldview, and also covers evolution so that students are better able to defend their beliefs and their faith. We cover all topics covered in a typical high school Biology course; the cell, microscopy, basic biochemistry, enzymes, metabolism, human genetics, genetic variation, inheritance patterns, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, human anatomy and physiology, organism reproduction, cellular reproduction, proteins, DNA, RNA, viruses and biological classification, origin models evolution vs creation, DNA technology, Kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Animalia, Ecology, and plant reproduction, physiology, structure, function, and classification, human anatomy and physiology, etc. We also Trrain students to be critical thinkers, to be inquisitive, to reason, and to be researchers in life. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard high school Biology class but taught from a Christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. - Basic online labs and lab reports. - Focus is on life applications of Biology learned through the lens of their God-given interests and talents.
Human Anatomy & PhysiologyTwo Semester Class Recommended grade level: 9th-12th Prerequisites: None. Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (anatomy & physiology) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 5 hours Labs: Students will perform our interactive virtual online labs and produce lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 12:00 noon ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to obtain: #1 Textbook: Human Anatomy & Physiology (note: On the first day of class, students will be provided with the PDF of this book at no additional charge and are not required to have the print version). - His Glory Human Anatomy & Physiology by Greg Landry #2 Supplemental Book: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made This classic book by Christian physician Paul Brand that we'll read as part of the class. Students are required to purchase this book. Author: Dr Paul Brand and Phillip Yancey Edition: paperback. students should have the PRINT paperback (not electronic or hardback) version of this book so that we all have the exact same book, page numbers, etc. ISBN-10 : 031035451X ISBN-13 : 978-0310354512 Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers __________ Most students really enjoy this class because they are learning about themselves. Learning about how their body works is important for all students but this class is especially beneficial for students who are considering a medical or sports / athletic training profession. Also, the class often piques a student's interest in the medical field / anatomy & physiology. Class description / topics covered: This is a high school level Human Anatomy and Physiology course. We will cover: Levels of organization, metabolism and homeostasis, terminology, basic chemistry and biochemistry, tissues and membranes, cells, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, the senses, blood, the heart and vascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, body temperature and metabolism, urinary system, fluid-electrolyte and acid-base balance, reproductive system, genetics, microbiology and human disease.
Life Prep (standard level) High School ChemistryAKA: Chemistry for "artsy," "techie" and other "non-science" students. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard high school Chemistry class but taught from a christian worldview and designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. Two Semester Class Recommended grade level: 9th-12th Prerequisites: None Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (chemistry) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 4 hours Labs: Students will perform our online labs and write lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 10:00 am ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to have: #1: Textbook: His Glory High School Chemistry by Greg Landry Note: The PDF of this study guide will be provided to students on the first day of class at no additional charge. #2: Supplemental Book: Elements: A Visual Exploration of every Known Atom in the Universe The elements of the periodic table are the very core of chemistry and this book does a spectacular job of presenting them. Students are required to purchase this book. Author: Theodore Gray and Nick Mann Edition: paperback edition. students should have the PRINT paperback (not electronic, kindle, or hardback) version of this book so that we all have the exact same book, page numbers, etc. ISBN: Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers) ISBN: 9781579128142 or 978-1579128951 Class description / topics covered: This is a standard high school level chemistry class that is specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math. It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the chemical world that surrounds us. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of standard Chemistry classes leaves many "non-science" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in Chemistry. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. This class will enable them to see the forest and will allow them to learn Chemistry through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. We cover basic high school level Chemistry topics at a depth and breadth appropriate for "non-science" students. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard level high school Chemistry class but taught from a Christian worldview and designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students.. We cover all topics covered in a typical high school Chemistry course: - atomic theory - trends of the periodic table of elements - quantum mechanics (electron arrangement) - ion formation, compound formation - chemical bonding - Avogadro's number and the mole - calculation of formula weights and percent composition - empirical formulas - writing and classifying chemical reactions, - balancing chemical equations - stoichiometry (predicting quantitative outcomes of reactions and predicting necessary amounts of reactants to produce a desired amount of product) - solutions - molarity - gas laws - elements and molar mass - biochemistry - colligative preoperties and freezing point depression - chemistry of water - quantifying surface area - metals and alloys - chemical kinetics - density - elements, mixtures and compounds - viscosity - pH - radioactivity - Basic online labs and lab reports - Final grade for the class is based upon student's overall understanding of the subject matter. - Focus is on life applications of Chemistry learned through the lens of their God-given interests and talents.
Life Prep (standard level) High School PhysicsAKA: Physics for "artsy," "techie" and other "non-science" students Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard level high school conceptual physics class but from a christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. Two Semester Class Recommended grade level: 9th-12th Prerequisites: None. Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (physics) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 5 hours Labs: Students will perform our online labs and produce lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 11:00 am ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 #1. Textbook: His Glory High School Conceptual Physics by Greg Landry The PDF of this book will be provided to students on the first day of class at no additional charge. Author: Greg Landry #2. Supplemental Book : For the Love of Physics Students are required to purchase this book. Author: Walter Lewin Copyright: 2012 Version: Paperback (NOT the kindle, digital, audio or hardback versions so that we all have the same page numbers) Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers: ISBN-10 : 145160713X ISBN-13 : 978-1451607130 __________ Class description / topics covered:Life Prep (standard) Physics is standard high school conceptual phyics class (only basic math) that is specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math. It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the physical World that surrounds us. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! We cover all topics covered in a typical high school conceptual physics course: - Motion - Measurement - Velocity and Speed - Force - Acceleration due to Gravity & Free Fall - Pressure - Momentum - Kinetics - Rotational Dynamics - Thermodynamics - Gas Laws - Atoms and Matter - Work - Power - Energy - Sound - Pendular Motion - Light - Electromagnetic Spectrum - Viscosity - Buoyancy - Electricity - Radioactivity - Magnetism - Einstein's Theory of Relativity - Unique Characteristics of Water - Newton's Laws of Motion - Circular Motion - Phase Change - Projectile Motion The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of standard Physics classes leaves many "non-science" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in Physics. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. This class will enable them to see the forest and will allow them to learn Physics through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. We cover basic high school level Physics topics at a depth and breadth appropriate for "non-science" students. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard level high school conceptual physics class but taught from a Christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. - Basic online virtual labs and lab reports - Final grade for the class is based upon student's overall understanding of the subject matter. - Focus is on life applications of Physics learned through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. ___________________________ "Hi Greg, I hope you've had a good school year. Four years ago my daughter Heather took your online Biology class (which she loved). She just finished Biology at Carolina with an "A" which she is very proud of. She says your class enabled her to go into this college class so much more prepared than many of her classmates. Thank you! Please tell Nancy hello." ~ Ellen C.
Questions? Click here to contact Greg Landry
Two Semester (full school year) 2025-26 Live Class Tuition: