Greg Landry's
Homeschool Science
--- Christian Worldview
--- Veteran Science Teacher
--- Former College Professor
5 New Textbooks!
Click Here for Our Interactive Online (Virtual) Science Labs
Two Day In-Person Science Lab Intensives
Complete One Year of Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Labs in Two (fun) Days!
For Students Age 11-18
NOTE: after 15+ years, spring of 2025 will be my final in-person labs.
This will allow time to focus on my textbooks, online classes & labs,
science story time, and student produced print publications.
"all those kids having so much fun"
"Greg, what a refreshing change it was to see all those kids having so much fun with high school science. And, it was so wonderful to get so much done in two days. Katie didn't know what to expect but loved the experience. She said you immediately put them at ease and the time flew by. In fact, her first question to me after the second day was if she could do another intensive. Science in our household has been reinvigorated - thank you!."
"we drove over three hours"
"Mr Landry, we drove over three hours for our two children to attend your lab intensive and it was so worth every bit of the drive! They talked about it all the way home..."
Beth in Lexington

Greetings Parents & Students,
As a homeschool dad and former college professor, I'm passionate about teaching science. In particular, Christ-centered science to homeschooled students. For our Biology / Anatomy & Physiology two day lab intensives, I have the privilege of interacting with students (age 11-18) as we cover wide-ranging and in depth college-prep labs and the appropriate background information.
We also focus on building critical thinking skills and developing a research and inquiry mindset with the resulting quality lab reports and thinking skills that affect every area of academics and life. I believe we should think critically, deeply, creatively, and biblically." God is glorified as we explore His Creation... illuminating His Creation - revealing His glory!
The two day lab intensive is the equivalent of a full school year of labs. Students will spend two enjoyable, knowledge and skill building days, in a caring, Christ-centered environment.
Life Lessons & Stories from the Cadaver Lab
I'll also tell them lots of stories from my years teaching university students in a cadaver lab with real-life Biology / Anatomy & Physiology applications and I'll talk to them about "life 101," working hard at what they do (Colossians 3:23), working toward academic excellence, and encouraging others (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Ephesians 4:29, Proverbs 12:25, Hebrews 10: 24-25, Proverbs 17:22, 1 Thessalonians 4:18). Each lab intensive is an interesting and enjoyable two days of learning and growing.
Space at each location is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions.
Click here to see lots of photos from various lab intensive locations.
Gratefully in His Grip,
Greg Landry
Homeschool Dad & Former College Professor

"I dropped him off that morning and he was pouting"
"Greg, My son Mark attended your two day Biology Lab Intensive. He's in 8th grade and hasn't been especially interested in science. I asked him if he wanted to attend your intensive and he said no. I told him he was going to because we needed to get his labs done and this was a good way to do that."
"I dropped him off that morning and he was pouting. I picked him up that afternoon and he talked incessantly on the way home (this is my quiet child). It not only amazed me that he was so excited about science but that he loved doing this all day for two solid days. That kind of excitement in a child brings so much joy to a mother's heart. He also loved your 'real life lessons' talk. Thank you so much Greg for your ministry to our children!"
Beth (a grateful mom)
"Mr Landry, Timmy came home so excited about the first day of your Biology lab intensive. Hi can't wait for tomorrow. Thanks for making kids excited about science!"Jess in Texas
"I wanted to let you know all's well that ends well! The boys made it up to Raleigh to catch a jam-packed afternoon of dissections and the overwhelming consensus in the car on the the way home was that it was the best lab any of them had ever attended! My son said that he could now officially say he has delivered his first baby...lamb, who knows where this will lead! we are very fortunate to have access to such great opportunities!"
"My daughter Beth loved your intensive. She is my artsy child and begged me not to make her go. In her words, 'these will be two miserable days'. She got home after the first day, walked in the house, and her first words to my husband and I were 'I love chemistry'. At first, we thought she was kidding. She wasn't!"
"My children, Logan, attended your science intensive for Biology while you were here. Logan was so excited and Taylor was the kicking and screaming one. She really never kicks and screams, but her attitude was not one of complete willingness. Anyway, they both thoroughly enjoyed the experience and have continued to talk about it and show off their "deliveries" to anyone who will look at them! Fun, fun, fun!!! I love it:-)"
If you have questions, please click here to contact Greg Landry
Click here to see lots of photos from various lab intensive locations

Combo Science (Marine / Engineering / Earth / Chemistry / Space / Physics / Biology / Anatomy & Physiology)Two Semester Class - Prepares students for high school level science Recommended grade level: 6th - 9th Prerequisites: None Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 4 hours Labs: Students will perform our online labs and write lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 1:00 pm ET, September 2025 - May 2026 (recording is available 24/7) Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to have: 1. Textbook: Combo Science Note: The PDF of this book will be provided to students on the first day of class at no additional charge. - His Glory Combo Science by Greg Landry #2. Supplemental Book : Two books that we'll use as a supplement will be provided to students as a PDF at no charge. - Discovery of Design by Donald DeYoung & Derrik Hobbs - Made in Heaven by Ray Comfort & Jeffrey Seto Class description / topics covered: Grade level appropriate levels and scopes of biology, chemistry, anatomy and physiology, physics, marine, space, and earth science. "Mr Landry, I hope you are well. Eleven years ago you taught my daughter Biology and Anatomy & Physiology (online class). You sparked in her a love for life science and medicine. She graduated from medical school in May and will be doing a residency in pediatrics. Last week I had lunch with her and I asked who stood out to her in her school years. She mentioned you and one of her college professors. Thank you for the impact you had on her and I know so many other students. You are appreciated!" ~ Beth Ann M.
Life Prep (standard level) High School BiologyAKA: Biology for "Artsy," "Techie" and other "Non-Science" Students Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard high school Biology class but taught from a Christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. Two Semester Class Recommended grade level: 8th-12th Prerequisites: None Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (biology) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 4 hours Labs: Students will perform our interactive virtual online labs and write lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 9:00 am ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to have: #1 Textbook: His Glory High School Biology by Greg Landry Note: The PDF of this textbook will be provided to students at no charge on the first day of class. #2 Supplemental Book : In Six Days - Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation This book does an excellent job of exposing students to scientists who are creationists and to the variety of reasons for their beliefs. We will use parts of it as a supplement in this class. Students are required to purchase this book. Author: John Ashton students should have the PRINT paperback (not electronic) version of this book so that we all have the exact same book, page numbers, etc. Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers: ISBN-13 : 978-0890513415 ISBN-10 : 0890513414 Class description / topics covered: Life Prep (standard) Biology is a standard high school level Biology class that is specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math. It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the biological world that surrounds us. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! It is a standard high school level Biology course and taught from a christian worldview, The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of many college-prep Biology classes leaves many "non-science" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in Biology. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. This class will enable them to see the forest and will allow them to learn Biology through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. We cover basic high school level Biology topics at a depth and breadth appropriate for "non-science" students. This class is taught from a Christian, creationist worldview, and also covers evolution so that students are better able to defend their beliefs and their faith. We cover all topics covered in a typical high school Biology course; the cell, microscopy, basic biochemistry, enzymes, metabolism, human genetics, genetic variation, inheritance patterns, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, human anatomy and physiology, organism reproduction, cellular reproduction, proteins, DNA, RNA, viruses and biological classification, origin models evolution vs creation, DNA technology, Kingdom Eubacteria and Archaebacteria, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Animalia, Ecology, and plant reproduction, physiology, structure, function, and classification, human anatomy and physiology, etc. We also Trrain students to be critical thinkers, to be inquisitive, to reason, and to be researchers in life. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard high school Biology class but taught from a Christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. - Basic online labs and lab reports. - Focus is on life applications of Biology learned through the lens of their God-given interests and talents.
Human Anatomy & PhysiologyTwo Semester Class Recommended grade level: 9th-12th Prerequisites: None. Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (anatomy & physiology) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 5 hours Labs: Students will perform our interactive virtual online labs and produce lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 12:00 noon ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to obtain: #1 Textbook: Human Anatomy & Physiology (note: On the first day of class, students will be provided with the PDF of this book at no additional charge and are not required to have the print version). - His Glory Human Anatomy & Physiology by Greg Landry #2 Supplemental Book: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made This classic book by Christian physician Paul Brand that we'll read as part of the class. Students are required to purchase this book. Author: Dr Paul Brand and Phillip Yancey Edition: paperback. students should have the PRINT paperback (not electronic or hardback) version of this book so that we all have the exact same book, page numbers, etc. ISBN-10 : 031035451X ISBN-13 : 978-0310354512 Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers __________ Most students really enjoy this class because they are learning about themselves. Learning about how their body works is important for all students but this class is especially beneficial for students who are considering a medical or sports / athletic training profession. Also, the class often piques a student's interest in the medical field / anatomy & physiology. Class description / topics covered: This is a high school level Human Anatomy and Physiology course. We will cover: Levels of organization, metabolism and homeostasis, terminology, basic chemistry and biochemistry, tissues and membranes, cells, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, the senses, blood, the heart and vascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, body temperature and metabolism, urinary system, fluid-electrolyte and acid-base balance, reproductive system, genetics, microbiology and human disease.
Life Prep (standard level) High School ChemistryAKA: Chemistry for "artsy," "techie" and other "non-science" students. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard high school Chemistry class but taught from a christian worldview and designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. Two Semester Class Recommended grade level: 9th-12th Prerequisites: None Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (chemistry) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 4 hours Labs: Students will perform our online labs and write lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 10:00 am ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 Students are required to have: #1: Textbook: His Glory High School Chemistry by Greg Landry Note: The PDF of this study guide will be provided to students on the first day of class at no additional charge. #2: Supplemental Book: Elements: A Visual Exploration of every Known Atom in the Universe The elements of the periodic table are the very core of chemistry and this book does a spectacular job of presenting them. Students are required to purchase this book. Author: Theodore Gray and Nick Mann Edition: paperback edition. students should have the PRINT paperback (not electronic, kindle, or hardback) version of this book so that we all have the exact same book, page numbers, etc. ISBN: Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers) ISBN: 9781579128142 or 978-1579128951 Class description / topics covered: This is a standard high school level chemistry class that is specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math. It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the chemical world that surrounds us. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of standard Chemistry classes leaves many "non-science" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in Chemistry. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. This class will enable them to see the forest and will allow them to learn Chemistry through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. We cover basic high school level Chemistry topics at a depth and breadth appropriate for "non-science" students. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard level high school Chemistry class but taught from a Christian worldview and designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students.. We cover all topics covered in a typical high school Chemistry course: - atomic theory - trends of the periodic table of elements - quantum mechanics (electron arrangement) - ion formation, compound formation - chemical bonding - Avogadro's number and the mole - calculation of formula weights and percent composition - empirical formulas - writing and classifying chemical reactions, - balancing chemical equations - stoichiometry (predicting quantitative outcomes of reactions and predicting necessary amounts of reactants to produce a desired amount of product) - solutions - molarity - gas laws - elements and molar mass - biochemistry - colligative preoperties and freezing point depression - chemistry of water - quantifying surface area - metals and alloys - chemical kinetics - density - elements, mixtures and compounds - viscosity - pH - radioactivity - Basic online labs and lab reports - Final grade for the class is based upon student's overall understanding of the subject matter. - Focus is on life applications of Chemistry learned through the lens of their God-given interests and talents.
Life Prep (standard level) High School PhysicsAKA: Physics for "artsy," "techie" and other "non-science" students Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard level high school conceptual physics class but from a christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. Two Semester Class Recommended grade level: 9th-12th Prerequisites: None. Class length: Full school year (two semesters) Transcript: 1 year (2 semesters) credit for high school science (physics) with lab Homework time per week outside of class: 3 - 5 hours Labs: Students will perform our online labs and produce lab reports Registration / tuition fee for the class: $880 minus current early registration discount. Note: this includes access to our virtual online laboratory ($90 value) at no additional charge. Teacher: Greg Landry Meets: Tuesdays at 11:00 am ET, September 2025 - May 2026 Students are NOT required to attend the live class - recording is available 24/7 #1. Textbook: His Glory High School Conceptual Physics by Greg Landry The PDF of this book will be provided to students on the first day of class at no additional charge. Author: Greg Landry #2. Supplemental Book : For the Love of Physics Students are required to purchase this book. Author: Walter Lewin Copyright: 2012 Version: Paperback (NOT the kindle, digital, audio or hardback versions so that we all have the same page numbers) Please be sure that your book has one of these ISBN numbers: ISBN-10 : 145160713X ISBN-13 : 978-1451607130 __________ Class description / topics covered:Life Prep (standard) Physics is standard high school conceptual phyics class (only basic math) that is specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students - students who may sometimes struggle with science or math. It gives students a firm foundation and basic understanding of the physical World that surrounds us. It prepares them for life - to move into adulthood with a keen understanding and appreciation of God's magnificent creation! We cover all topics covered in a typical high school conceptual physics course: - Motion - Measurement - Velocity and Speed - Force - Acceleration due to Gravity & Free Fall - Pressure - Momentum - Kinetics - Rotational Dynamics - Thermodynamics - Gas Laws - Atoms and Matter - Work - Power - Energy - Sound - Pendular Motion - Light - Electromagnetic Spectrum - Viscosity - Buoyancy - Electricity - Radioactivity - Magnetism - Einstein's Theory of Relativity - Unique Characteristics of Water - Newton's Laws of Motion - Circular Motion - Phase Change - Projectile Motion The depth, breadth, and pedagogy of standard Physics classes leaves many "non-science" students frustrated, uninterested, and ultimately learning very little. I find that students in this situation often miss the big picture and they don't have an overall understanding of the subject matter that is so critical in Physics. They can't see the forest because they're lost in the trees. This class will enable them to see the forest and will allow them to learn Physics through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. We cover basic high school level Physics topics at a depth and breadth appropriate for "non-science" students. Equivalent in depth and breadth to a standard level high school conceptual physics class but taught from a Christian worldview and specifically designed to be interesting and appealing to "non-science" students. - Basic online virtual labs and lab reports - Final grade for the class is based upon student's overall understanding of the subject matter. - Focus is on life applications of Physics learned through the lens of their God-given interests and talents. ___________________________ "Hi Greg, I hope you've had a good school year. Four years ago my daughter Heather took your online Biology class (which she loved). She just finished Biology at Carolina with an "A" which she is very proud of. She says your class enabled her to go into this college class so much more prepared than many of her classmates. Thank you! Please tell Nancy hello." ~ Ellen C.

We focus on building critical thinking skills and developing a research and inquiry mindset with the resulting quality lab reports and thinking skills that affect every area of academics and life. I believe we should think critically, deeply, creatively, and biblically." God is glorified as we explore His Creation... illuminating His Creation - revealing His glory!
"Lead on Greg! Chris has a new perspective on science. We appreciate your leadership."
"Greg, ...your orientation toward training students to be researchers and critical thinkers is just what our girls needed. It has also spilled over into how they approach history and literature..."
"The signal is very limited but what text messages I'm getting are full of the words 'great', 'fun', and 'amazing!' Lily is so glad she was able to attend. Thank you Greg Landry, for spearheading such a fabulous endeavor, benefiting our nation's homeschooling community. It knits us together from coast to coast, across the entire USA!"
"Greg, your two day science intensive labs have been such a blessing to our family. They absolutely loved every one they did and we never could had that kind of in depth experience anywhere else as homeschoolers. I feel so much better about their science preparation for college. Also, thanks for spending time talking with me about their other science courses."
What is Considered a High School "Science Lab"?
Most colleges and state requirements want to see science labs that include:
1. A student participating (interacting) in the lab they're working on - either in person or in an interactive virtual lab (rather than just watching a video, for example).
2. A student following (and documenting) a systematic "method" or "procedure" to complete the lab.
3. A student collecting data and / or recording observations from the lab they're working on. This is typically recording results, numbers, observations, etc. and is included in a data table and graphic presentation of results.
4. A student writing a full, formal lab report on the lab they've completed. It should include statement of purpose, background information, hypothesis, materials, method / procedure, results (data table and graphic presentation), hypothesis evaluation, errors or anomalous results, future research, and conclusion(s).
​5. A minimum of eight labs (for a science subject) in a school year completed with full, formal lab reports.
Our Two Day lab Intensives Allow Students to Complete All 5 of These
Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Two Day Lab Intensive Details
(Note: this is the lab intensive for high school level Biology or Anatomy & Physiology, or both)
Academic credit for transcript: 1 school year of Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Labs
Student age range: 11 - 18 years old
Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites. Appropriate background information is presented prior to and during each lab that is performed.
This lab intensive can be attended:
- Before a student takes Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Class
- While a student is taking Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Class
- Or, after a student has taken Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Class
When taking Biology / Anatomy & Physiology classes after attending our Lab Intensive, the class material will be much easier to comprehend - because students already understand the application of what they're learning in classes. For students who have taken Biology / Anatomy & Physiology classes prior to our Lab Intensive, these labs will bring their book knowledge to life.
Teacher: Greg Landry, homeschool dad and former college professor with over 20 years of teaching experience.
Travel to intensive and location: Students may commute from home each day or some families use local overnight accommodations - often in the same hotel where the lab intensive is held. Approximately 35% of families travel from over two hours away (10% of families travel from over four hours away) and spend the night near the lab intensive. The lab intensives are usually held in the meeting room of a hotel - typically Hampton Inn or Hilton Garden Inn.
Lunch and snack breaks: We'll take a lunch break and morning and afternoon snack breaks. Students should bring a brown bag lunch, snacks, and a bottle of water each day.
What is provided to students: As part of our Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Lab Intensive each student will receive instruction, all supplies, specimens, a lab manual, apron, colored pens, colored pencils, and use of our equipment.
Who can attend: our lab intensives are for registered students only. We will ask for a couple of "lab mom" volunteers (who have a student registered) to help during those two days.
What should you bring? A basic calculator, a brown bag lunch, snacks, and a water bottle each day.
Email reminder: We'll send you an email message three weeks prior to the intensive reminding you of the dates, time, and location.
If you have questions, please click here to contact Greg Landry
Click here to see lots of photos from various lab intensive locations
What Will We Do?
- Students will learn how to collect data appropriately and prepare and critique college-quality lab reports.
- Students will record their experiment data, graphs, etc. in their lab manual. We'll also discuss the critical importance of graphing to develop process reasoning and critical thinking skills that affect not only science but all aspects of life.
- Students will learn to think critically and deeply about scientific processes.
- We'll discuss what they need to know about high school academics and successfully handling college academics.. and how to relate to their professors and peers in college and beyond. We'll also discuss what they should be doing now to achieve their future goals! It's two days packed with learning, fun, and fellowship.
Laboratory Topics Covered
- We'll do an experiment to quantify and study diffusion and osmosis (usually done in college level anatomy labs)
- We'll isolate each students DNA as we study genetics
- We'll demonstrate the affect of a colligative property on marine biology.
- Metric system applications to biology and medicine.
- We'll do blood type and Rh Factor determinations on each student.
- Students will construct and learn the critical importance of graphing.
- Autopsy / cadaver style organ dissections on sheep brain and frog.
- To study the respiratory system, we'll inflate preserved healthy and smoker's lungs to investigate anatomical and physiological differences
- Students will eat candy, honey buns, etc. (or they can bring healthier food if they prefer) for breakfast to produce a "glucose load challenge" to help them understand the pancreas, glucose absorption, diabetes, normal and abnormal glucose response curves, and the production and function of insulin. (usually done in college level anatomy labs).
- We'll use Phenylthiocarbamide to study genetics
- We'll do experiments to study the cardiovascular system, anatomy, heart rate, hemoglobin saturation, etc.
- Students will learn how to prepare and critique college-quality lab reports
- Students will learn to follow detailed experimental procedures.
- And more.
Real Life
We'll discuss what they need to know about high school academics and successfully handling college academics.. and how to relate to their professors and peers in college and beyond. We'll also discuss what they should be doing now to achieve their future goals!
I'll tell them cadaver lab stories and "real-life" life lessons from the college human anatomy lab. They'll work hard, laugh, talk about serious topics, have fun, and finish the lab intensive with a lab manual of data representing their work.
"all those kids having so much fun"
"Greg, what a refreshing change it was to see all those kids having so much fun with high school science. And, it was so wonderful to get so much done in two days. Katie didn't know what to expect but loved the experience. She said you immediately put them at ease and the time flew by. In fact, her first question to me after the second day was if she could do another intensive. Science in our household has been reinvigorated - thank you!."
"we drove over three hours"
"Mr Landry, we drove over three hours for our two children to attend your lab intensive and it was so worth every bit of the drive! They talked about it all the way home..."
Beth in Lexington
Two Day Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Labs
Space is Limited & on a First-Come, First-Served Basis
------- Winter / Spring 2025 -------
----- Port St Lucie, FL (FULL)
Dates: January 17-18, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Port St Lucie
----- Orlando (SeaWorld area), FL (FULL)
Dates: January 20-21, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Orlando at SeaWorld, FL
----- Destin / Miramar Beach, FL (FULL)
Dates: January 24-25, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Destin / Miramar Beach FL
----- Dallas / Ft Worth (Irving), TX (FULL)
Dates: February 14-15, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Las Colinas, Irving, TX
----- Charlotte (Pineville) NC (FULL)
Dates: March 17-18, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Charlotte / Pineville, NC
----- Williamsburg, VA (FULL - Waiting List Available)
Dates: March 21-22, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn - Williamsburg, VA
----- Nashville (Franklin), TN (Almost Full)
Dates: April 3-4, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Aspen Grove Christian Church, Franklin TN
----- Des Moines, IA (Almost Full)
Dates: April 10-11, 2025
Specific Lab Intensive Location: Hilton Garden Inn Des Moines Airport
A God Honoring Perspective
"All 3 of my children absolutely loved this hands-on experience. For my older children, it enforced content they had already studied. For my youngest, it sparked interest and curiosity into content that is to come in his education. This is a wonderful way to immerse students into material that can be dull or hard to understand in text. It definitely engages all the senses and gives them an experience they won't soon forget. Most importantly - they learn about it all from a God honoring perspective that tells how wonderfully and awesome we are made in HIS image. THANK YOU for everything you pulled together!"
Katie Enloe

Daily Schedule
Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Lab Intensive (ages 11-18)
First day, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Second day, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Academic credit for transcript: 1 school year of Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Labs
- Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites. Appropriate background information is presented prior to and during each lab that is performed.
Lab intensives can be attended:
- Before a student takes Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Class
- While a student is taking Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Class
- Or, after a student has taken Biology / Anatomy & Physiology Class
If you have questions, please click here to contact Greg Landry
Click here to see lots of photos from various lab intensive locations
NOTE: after 15+ years, spring of 2025 will be my final in-person labs.
This will allow time to focus on my textbooks, online classes & labs,
science story time, and student produced print publications.
Two Day Lab Intensive Fee
- Tuition Fee per Student (covers registration and all instruction and lab supplies, including the lab manual)
Lab Intensive Tuition: $580
If you have questions, please click here to contact Greg Landry